Most small dogs are fast. Add that Belle is a puppy still that makes her fast as lightning. With being fast, she also likes to eat everything. She is like a Dyson on steroids. The time around the Marsh house we have to be most careful is mealtime. Yorkies have sensitive systems and certain foods set them off. Belle for instance can’t have any sort of shelled nuts. She is a puker.
Other times where her speed poses a problem is laundry time. Folding socks turns into stacking single socks until you catch her with the match. And yes she knows you want it and turns it into a game. Round and round the table, then just think when you got her she dives under the couch to hide.
It seems every time my wife and I get her games figured out surprise she adapts and evades us again. Lots of fun and I think I have lost some weight chasing her.