Thursday, March 4, 2010

Who's bed is it anyway?

When we first brought Belle home with us, she really liked her kennel. When it was time for bed, she would go into her kennel and sleep for the whole night. Then came the “Great Haircut of 2009”. I felt so bad for her with no hair and I thought she would freeze at night so I thought it would be a good idea to have her sleep in our bed for the night. This would prove to be the end of my “good nights sleep”.
I thought we’d put her back into her kennel and she would sleep, but I think she knows that our bed is so much warmer and softer than hers, and she will just bark and bark, I’m sure for hours if we’d let her! So, now she has to sleep in our bed with us.


  1. Blake, I was reading through some of your entries with my wife, and you have just confirmed her attitude towards dogs. She has told me she will never own a dog, and your not helping. It's funny to me to read about the "adventures" you have with your dog, but my wife just gets turned off even more. Oh well, I guess I will never get a dog, but it sure is fun to read about yours.

  2. Your dog sounds absolutely adorable! I just want to say that you have nothing. You are what sleeping on a queen or king with a dog the size of a big rat? If you want a GREAT nights sleep, and I mean this in the most sarcastic of ways, sleep with a german shepherd that doesn't know he is a dog. He demands that his head is on the pillow and he is under the covers, cute right? Wrong! I am on a twin size bed, do you know what happens when you have little room and a big dog? Haha! Again your yorkie sounds like a fun little dog. I love all dogs and yours sounds like a handful for one so small :)
